what is mesothelioma disease and its solution

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that starts growing in the lung membrane. There are two thin layers of cells in your chest - an outer layer that shows an internal layer covering your rib cage and covering your lungs. These layers are called the pleura or lung membrane. Each layer is as thin as a balloon skin.

The space between the two layers is called the lung spot and it normally contains a small amount of fluid. This fluid lubricates two surfaces and allows you to move and expand your lungs and chest wall as soon as you breathe in and out.
Mesothelioma may affect a similar lining around your stomach or heart, but it is less common. This information is centered on chest mesothelioma, sometimes called malignant lung mesothelioma.

Usually mesothelioma affects only one side of your chest. As the cancer cells grow and multiply multiply, they are called tumors. Sometimes there is only one big tumor. More commonly, many small tumors are scattered in your lung membrane. The lung membrane becomes much thicker than these.
There are three different types of mesothelioma:

Epithelioid mesothelioma is the most common type. This type of mesothelioma increases more slowly than others, so it can give better feedback for therapies.

Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is less common. It progresses faster and treats it with bad results.

Bipolar mesothelioma is also uncommon. This epithelium is more aggressive than mesothelioma, but Sarkomatide grows more slowly than mesothelioma.

What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?
Symptoms of mesothelioma are visible only after 30 to 40 years when a person comes in contact with asbestos. The situation looks slow and then it is quick to progress.

The main symptoms are:

Breathing trouble


Pain in chest
As soon as mesothelioma develops, it often creates fluid in your lungs space. This is called the pulmonary drift. This build of fluid destroys your lungs, so it can not be fully expanded during your breathing. This makes you feel relieved to breathe. Tumors growing near your lungs can also prevent your lungs from spreading properly.

Mesothelioma usually begins in the outer lung membrane, which shows the lines inside your chest wall and ribs. Tumors often cause pain in your chest because it grows in your chest wall. It sometimes spreads to other parts of your body outside of your chest, but it is unusual for it to spread its symptoms.

You may experience other symptoms such as fatigue (feeling tired), loss of appetite and weight loss.

Symptoms develop gradually in weeks or months. Some patients stand with symptoms until they are really struggling with breathing, and then they have to be admitted to the hospital immediately for treatment.

How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

If your doctor thinks that you may have mesothelioma, then the first step is usually chest X-ray. You must have x-rays within two weeks, and after that you should get your results within five working days.

If you have mesothelioma, then a chest X-ray will often show the pulmonary flow (a build of fluid) on one side of your chest. There are several possible causes of pulmonary flow. If there is no clear explanation, you should refer to further tests for your doctor to know the cause.

X-rays look normal in some cases of mesothelioma. In this case, you will need more tests to confirm whether you have mesothelioma. If you have symptoms and believe that you are in contact with asbestos, then you should ask for referrals at the hospital's cancer clinic, if possible.

Rapid Access Clinic

Further testing

Where is my cancer?

Getting my results

Rapid Access Clinic

If your chest X-ray indicates that you may have mesothelioma, you will be referred to a special clinic in the hospital, which will be called a Rapid Access Clinic or an Instant Cancer Clinic. If you have mesothelioma or not, and these services have been established to provide expert advice and treatment.

Mesothelioma treatment: -

Extraophorous pneumonectomy (EPP) and pulmonary and detention (P / D) in existing type of surgery for pulmonary mesothelioma. A thoracotomy is the first part of an EPP or P / D surgery. From this, doctors can work on the inside of the chest. Surgeons can also use a diagnostic procedure called Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS), which is putting a small camera through a small cut in the chest to see the lungs. VAT allows doctors to look inside the chest and take biopsy samples. Primary surgery for peritoneal mesothelioma is cytartrective surgery, also called dubbing surgery.

Extra pneumonectomy (EPP)

EPP removes all cancerous lungs and surrounding areas where mesothelioma is transmitted. This can include lymph nodes, part of the chest lining, heart layers and diaphragm.

More about EPP MESOTHELIOMA survey

Pulmonary and deformity (P / D)

P / D spreads to the lungs and removes only the pulmonary layer, the lining of the chest wall and the cancerous parts of the diaphragm.

More information about more and incorporation (P / D)

Cytoreductive surgery

Cytoreductive surgery removes cancer from the lining of the stomach. Also known as dubling surgery or peritonematomy, this process is often done after hot chemotherapy.
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