Strange sighting scene of animal has caught in the ​​New York sea

There are so many strange creatures on this earth that we know only a few of them.  A strange-looking animal was caught in the Fishing-tackle.A Tiktok-user ( Tiktok is a Video sharing app) has shared a video of an animal creatureAfter uploading this video on tiktok, this video has been set numerous view .it has already crossed 14 lakh likes.Now this news,has been kind of a  viral.

 A tiktok user, Natalia Verbak posted a few seconds video of that  on her account.  There, an animal was seen on a wooden deck.  He has a fishing rod in his body.  It seems that someone has caught it hiding in the sea.

The creature resembles a squid or an octopus.  However, it does not have a pin like the octopus.  There is a big bull-like section, and two smaller ones.  There are two eyes on either side of the head like swollen head. 

This animal was caught on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. British media reported to the Daily Mail.  The video received 14 lakh likes and around 20,000 comments and also this video has been viewed approximately 2crore times.

However, This tiktok user(who shared this) does not mentioned the name of this animal in this video.And also It was not mentioned whether the animal was finally able to return to the water or not?

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