Who are the 'high-risk' people in coronavirus infection disease? What should they do?

Who is 'high risk' for coronavirus or this type of infection?  It is not the case that young children or healthy middle-aged children are less likely to be infected, inaddition if they infected by the coronavirus, but the risk is comparatively low in compare to the elders.

In an article recently published in the Lancet Journal, scientists report that men older than 70 who are smokers and diabetics - hypertension are the most likely to die of the novel coronavirus infection.  In China, a study was conducted on 191 (Covid-19 patients), most of them died of diabetes and hypertension, and most of them age was older  above 70 .  Therefore, high risk people need to be especially careful to try to prevent the disease . But before we goes into the context, let's see what  is the definition of 'high risk' man?

Who are the 'high-risk' people in coronavirus infection disease? What should they do?

Who is  the 'high risk' person?

• Over the age of 65, the more the age, the greater risk of danger.

 • Chronic disease is a problem for a long time if you have a chronic disease  Such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung problems or kidney disease.

 • Smoking too much

 • Low immunity for various reasons  For example

 • Cancer treatment is underway

 • Have rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, or inflammatory bowel disease, as well as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.


 • Kidney or any other body or bone marrow transplant in the body
So what should you do?

 Expert physician Sabyasachi Sen says, “The first task is to keep the head cool. Infection does not mean disease  Or even that can't be handled at all, you will  dying, that's not  true.If you follow the rules that are being said, the danger is quite low.This is because the germs are very contagious but not dangerous. So do not tension.  Tension reduces the body's immunity but further.  please follow the instructions and guidelines which provided by your doctor.

Read about more news related to this topic:-

Two types of coronavirus are infecting the human body

USA invented experimental Vaccine to prevent coronavirus.

please obey these rules to  save  yourself from the coronavirus 

 • Quit smoking first  Because its contribution to reducing the immune system of the whole body, such as the respiratory, lung, etc.since the virus attacks the respiratory system, the risk of infection becomes even greater if you continue smoking.  Increased risk of complications. the danger is not just yours.Those around you are , they highly chances to infected from coronavirus.So do it for your loved ones, not for yourself.

 • Adhere to the general precautions letter-to-letter  For example, washing hands frequently, keeping the house clean and disinfected, avoiding any kind of gathering, etc.

 • Whatever medicines you eat regularly, keep them all a little longer  If the body suddenly becomes bad, it is useful if there is no such situation

 • Speak to a doctor to find out what medications you should take and what rules you should take if your disease is exacerbated.

 • If a nasal coronary infection is infected, discuss what to do with the doctor and relatives and plan.  Don't worry  In most cases, the problem is lessened if you are at home with some caution

 • Decide what the food will be like when you are at home  Do not cook and eat home delivery orders  Like a couple of weeks, there are markets

 • Be aware of the symptoms of the disease, tell the doctor if fever, cold, cough, shortness of breath etc.  has appears in your body

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